Queensway Installation
Friday 7th September 2018
Queensway Mark Lodge held their annual installation ceremony on Friday 7th September 2018 when Brother John D. Askew was installed into the chair of his Lodge.
'John congratulates John'
V.W. Bro Walter Balmer was unable to attend due to illness and the task fell to W. Bro David Richards who was in the chair from the start of the evening and Installation as David had advanced John when he joined Mark Masonry.
The Provincial Grand Master was represented by W. Bro John Bicknell who was accompanied by several acting and past provincial grand officers.
RW Bro. Peter Connolly, W Bro. John Bicknell, WM John Askew,
being greeted by Dave Richards and Richard Wilson
Past provincial grand master Peter Connolly also attended as a personal guest of the new Master as Peter had been the senior deacon at the occasion of his advancement into Mark Masonry.
The installing Master was assisted on the occasion by, W. Bro Richard Wilson PGStB. who gave the explanation of the working tools. W. Bro Ken Acton the lodge DC who presented the Keystone and charity Jewels.
The Addresses were  delivered by  
W. Bro Alan Scarrott P.Pr.A.G.D.C. to the Master
Allen Bancroft PM, to the Wardens
W. Bro David Richards PGStB. To the overseers
W. Bro John Bicknell PGJD. To the brethren
At the conclusion of the ceremony the new Worshipful Master was congratulated by W. Bro John Bicknell
Queensway Lodge seems to be holding its own with membership increasing slowly and the latest member Bro John Atkinson was presented with his Grand Lodge Certificate by W. Bro John Bicknell
The lodge was well attended with some 33 people attending, and enjoying a very welcoming and friendly festive board.
Words and pictures by David Richards